Who is Chicho?

Throughout the years photography and videography always interested me but not to a point that I thought I’d make this my life. I’ve seen failure, heart break, death, joy, love, life and success. This all has made me admire three things in life, Ayrton Senna said it best “I admire Hard Work, Determination and Competence”.

You can’t teach passion, you can’t just get it, you have to suffer to get passion, you have to feel to get passion, it’s not free, but I earned it, and this is what I love.

I'm Eduardo Bezerra de Lima but my friends and colleagues know me as Chicho. I’m a Peruvian Canadian filmmaker and advertising professional. Since 2009, I've been involved in the advertising and film industry in Peru, where I've filmed many commercials, institutional work, music videos, and even a feature film where I worked as an assistant director and second unit director.

I've worked with some of the most important ad agencies in South America, such as TBWA, McCann, JWT, FCB, Leo Burnett, Fahrenheit, and Circus, collaborating with talented professionals from all over the world who have shared their craft with me. My experience as an assistant director has taught me a lot about people management, and how to be effective through kindness, understanding, and discipline but it also indirectly taught me my craft.

I moved to the United States at the end of 2021. After having a life crisis, depression, mental breakdown and epiphany, I decided to make my hobby a career, I never knew it would take me to the world of custom.

In 2022 after many failed attempts to become a freelance photographer, I found a job at a bespoke men’s tailor shop, Mark Russell. It was a great kickstart into the world of custom, I had always taken photos, but it wasn’t a daily thing. Now it was and I made it my personal mission to learn as much as I could and experiment and grow, I had to teach myself but thankfully I had a great base from years of film experience as an AD.

However, I’m a film maker at heart and as much as Mark just needed a photographer, I gave him something else…I gave him a content creator. I started making videos and commercials for the suits he made and of his clients, each one is unique so there’s never a lack of material to be made, little by little I crafted my style. After a few months, it became noticeable, so much so that the world’s biggest car custom shop took notice and hired me as a photographer and videographer.

Since 2024 I have been working with Apocalypse Manufacturing - Soflo Customs, it’s an amazing place where my skills have been tested and honed. I have created my own style and am experimenting with lots of different techniques, always evolving and learning. I do freelance work on the side, but I consider my work Capitalist art. I work for companies that make money, but they also make unique products, in their own way, they make art…and so do I.